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Absolutely no personally identifying information is collected or stored by Representative Condit's office when you visit this site. In addition, all personal information you provide to Democratic Representative Condit through e-mail is kept strictly confidential. It is required that absolutely no identification be on your person during your internship. Of course this allows Democratic Representative Condit to deny knowing you when questioned by the Press, Police and FBI.

Current Floor Affairs

Intern Opportunities

Whether interning in Modesto, Merced, or Washington D.C., working in one of Democratic Representative Condit's offices can be an extremely titillating experience.  Typical duties of Interns can range from associating with phonies to researching legislative projects to attending to Democratic Representative Condit's more personal needs.

If you would like additional information on interning for Democratic Representative Condit, please fill out and submit the following form.

Asterisks indicate a required field.

Full Name *
Address 1  
Address 2
State *
Telephone No.

*Please give some background information.  i.e. year in school,
goals besides being Democratic Representative Condit's full-time mistress , and particular governmental and sexual related interests and preferences.



(Web page parody by Fred Hoot)

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