Campaign 2003

2003 Recall Davis Campaign



October 7, 2003

God Blessed California!

62.1% of California Voted Republican in the 2003 Recall Gray Davis Election.

2003 Sunnyvale Elections in Santa Clara, CA

What follows is my personal analysis of the best people to vote for in the local elections. The college and school districts are important elections. We need to elect people who will bring responsible values to the table when deciding issues that will affect our countries youth. It is quite evident from the Clinton administrations record that we need to teach our youth personal responsibility rather than the "blame someone else for our own behavior" attitude. We also need people in the school system that are willing to stand up and hold the school system accountable in instructing our future citizens and leaders.

You can see from my recommendations, that our schools are in a sad state.

I listed the people in alphabetical order. If you can't find them on the ballot, I suggest you move to one of the counties in Florida that couldn't punch the right hole.

Foothill-De Anza Community College District

Governing Board Member

(Vote for no more than three.)

Name Y/N Comments
Betsy Bechtel
Backed by U.S. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo - Not a good sign. Exploring "ways to increase revenues from State and community sources" sounds ominous - Is this a prelude to increasing property taxes?

She says she will consider eliminating duplication of services, which is a plus. Working with business to provide student internships is another plus.

I am recommending Yes only because she seems like the lesser of the other to evils.

Michael Bradford
He says he is in favor of reducing the higher paid management if layoffs are necessary rather than the teachers. His record is unknown, so I am recommending a Yes for the moment.
Andrea Leiderman
OUCH!!! as she is backed by congress members Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren and Mike Honda. It is interesting that her position papers do not recommend any real solutions. I can see raised taxes for this one, rather than controlling expenses.
Hal Plotkin
Backed by Congresswomen Anna Eshoo and Zoe Lofgren - nearly as bad as Andrea. On the plus side he is a graduate of Foothill and says he will promote others to give back to the college.
Norman John Shaskey
I believe he is a little naive that he can "help balance the district budget without reductions of service and layoffs"; but then maybe he can, as he does have some financial background. I recommend a Yes.

Sunnyvale School District

Governing Board Member

(Vote for no more than two.)

Name Y/N Comments
Phyllis Keene Fowler
Did not bother to answer questions for the SmartVoter organization. Since this organization is totally non-partisan, I wonder if she really has anything to say that she wants to share? Since she was appointed to the board, does she believe that she is a guaranteed shoe-in, or is there something that she should be held accountable for?
Nancy E. McCaa
The Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee recommends her. I only recommend Yes in hopes that one of the incumbents gets unseated.
Nancy Newkirk
An incumbent Governing Board Member that also did not bother to answer questions for the SmartVoter organization.

City of Sunnyvale

Member, City Council, Seat 4

(Vote for one.)

Name Y/N Comments
Dean Chu
Pete Mate Richards

City of Sunnyvale

Member, City Council, Seat 5

(Vote for one.)

Name Y/N Comments
James C. Fussell
Otto Oswald Lee

City of Sunnyvale

Member, City Council, Seat 6

(Vote for one.)

Name Y/N Comments
Michael Anthony Flores
Ron Swegles

City of Sunnyvale

Member, City Council, Seat 7

(Vote for one.)

Name Y/N Comments
Melinda Hamilton
Tim Risch

My Bushmobile - many miles, many impressions.

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